Women, Peace & Security (WPS)

  • 6
  • Aug

Conducted Panel discussions on women role in Peace-building Process in Khost province

WHMO initiated to raise awareness on peace process and to support women rights with the help of media to positively change people mind-sets, attitudes and behaviors. Based on the Search for Common Ground (SFCG) recommendations from creation workshops, WHMO had proposed two (2) interventions of Community Voice and People Voice. .

  • 29
  • Sep

International Events in Brussels and The Netherlands

These events addressed both the challenges and opportunities of inclusive security, and especially the role of women in the police, a lack of opportunities and promotion for women, inclusive peace building and women’s political participation in general. The Bayan delegates also discussed on the international community supports and regional stability and economic growth for Afghanistan.

  • 15
  • Sep

Consultative meeting on opportunities, challenges and electoral reform in 2016 and beyond

"Afghanistan 2016 and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges for women's political participation and leadership" a consultative meeting brought together 25 actors from women-led organizations, Human Rights Activists, Independent Election Commission, and CSOs activists.

  • 16
  • Dec

"Afghanistan 2016 and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges for women's political participation and leadership"

WHMO along with Gender Concerns International held a multi-stakeholder experts discussion to highlight the progress and scope of women’s political participation in Afghanistan. The event further provided an occasion to acknowledge the efforts and contribution made by women and CSOs to influence policy-making process.

  • 28
  • Feb

National Advocacy and Lobbing Conference on Importance of Female Police in Security Force:

A conference on female police role in security forces was held. The event brought out the issues of sexual harassment at the event in its direct lobby and advocacy which resulted in the Anti–Harassment Code of Conduct that will be developed by Gender & Human Rights Department of MoI as instructed by the Gender Integration Strategy.

  • 04
  • Sep

WHMO Conducted Youth Leadership Training Workshop in Kabul-2013

WHMO sensitized and sharpened 15 male and female Afghan youth in order to protect and promote women’s Human Rights, strengthen peace-building, engage in conflict resolution, and advocate for different forms of domestic violence. The youth were trained as change-makers to advocate for women's rights and peace-building through social media (Facebook, Bayan web log, and SMS) in their respective communities and province.

  • 27
  • Nov

WHMO Conducted Youth Leadership Training Workshop in Nangarhar Province-2013

The workshop was attended by 33 Afghan youth and the participants were selected from Journalist Unions and university. The workshop addressed the issues of peace-building, conflict resolution, and peace process in the society. The youth equipped with knowledge and tools that could enable them to take their primary steps for engagement in promoting social challenges and accountability at the local level.

  • 23
  • Oct

WHMO Conducted Youth Leadership Training workshop in Parwan Province-2013

150 youths and women groups, religious scholars including local government officials, CSOs and provincial council representatives were attended in gathering. The participants were trained on peacekeeping and conflict resolution and young women active role in peace and political process.

  • 07
  • Sep

WHMO Conducted Youth Leadership Training Workshop in Kapisa provine-2013

The workshop was attended by 31 Afghan youth, and the participants were selected from Journalist Unions and Women's Organizations. The workshop addressed the issues of women meaningful participation in political and peace process in the society. The youth equipped with knowledge and tools that could enable youth as a change-makers to take their primary steps to advocate social and political rights and participation.