Press & Media

Media advocacy and Training Team:

HRWMO understands the strategic use of mass media to advance public policy initiatives for influencing policies in any sector. HRWMO shifts the focus from the personal to the social, from the individual to the political, from the behavior or practice to the policy or environment. HRWMO’s media advocacy and training team has the capability to accomplish any assignment successfully achieving the set goals and objectives.

Reporting and News Journalists:

HRWMO has a professional and well-trained reporting and news journalists team that collect/gather information in form of text, audio, video or pictures and then process them to a news-worth form and disseminate it to the public for building their knowledge, understanding and knowhow.

Electronic and Print Media Team:

HRWMO has rich experience of working with electronic and print media. We have technically and professionally experts and team members across the country who have been engaged working with all kinds of media like Radio, Television and Print media. As HRWMO has partnership with different kinds of media, it can effectively and successfully execute any nature of assignment across the country in desired manner.

Radio Drama Script Writer Expert:

HRWMO has robust experience in developing and producing high quality dramatic texts by Islamic experts in accordance with Islamic and humanitarian values and cultural norms. Radio drama texts are prepared for broadcasting by radio scriptwriter, Mr. Ezatullah Akbari. Our main objective in mass media is to spread diverse nature of messages like for promoting peace and security, combating against gender based violence, gender equality, cultural norms and values through a new concept.

Street/Community Theater Groups:

HRWMO possesses professional theater groups including both male and female actors who are able to perform in both local languages. Before delivering of theater, our media team identifies key messages and themes to develop a theater script, when the script is ready it is rehearsed by actors to be performed in a professional and effective way.