Gender Equality and Discrimination

  • 28
  • Feb

Media Advocacy Training on Family Violence against Women

The project selected local journalism professionals and civil society communications staff from Kabul province for participation in three-day workshops addressing the coverage of family violence and other Human Rights issues. Participants have the chance to build their awareness of the family violence and Human Rights situation in Afghanistan and their region while acquiring tools and skills to develop their coverage of these issues and strengthen their advocacy capabilities.

  • 30
  • Dec

The Voice of Women” (radio interviews)

The interviews addressed the experiences of the women and girls, including such issues as physical violence, forced marriage, the giving away for daughters as payment for debt, and other issues. The victims also looked at family problems and relationships. Interviewees were selected from women’s safe haven centers and from among female patients in hospitals as a result of injuries related to family violence.

  • 30
  • Dec

Family Violence Panel Discussions

The round tables focused on family violence issues with special attention paid to the particular circumstances and factors driving family violence in each community and area. By bringing together key figures and stakeholders in the community, the roundtable will allow for an in-depth discussion that reflects how family violence manifests itself and impacts in different ways across Afghanistan.

  • 30
  • Dec

Realize your Rights” (Radio dramas)

This component of the project involved the production of a series of dramatic texts by the Islamic expert in accordance with Islamic and humanitarian values. The dramas illustrated aspects of Afghan family life and the different roles men and women play, while also raising related issues of family relationships, responsibilities, and problems, and how they intersect with Human Rights issues and Islamic values.

  • 28
  • Feb

Local Journalist's and Communication Professionals Workshop

The project selected local journalism professionals and civil society communications staff from Nangarhar province for participation in three-day workshops addressing the coverage of family violence and other Human Rights issues. Participants have the chance to build their awareness of the family violence and human rights situation in Afghanistan and their region while acquiring tools and skills to develop their coverage of these issues and strengthen their advocacy capabilities.

  • 28
  • Feb

Focus Groups Meetings

To assess the quality, relevancy of the program to the local contexts and interest of the listeners of the radio program, WHMO has organized 8th focus group meetings in targeted provinces, with activist, journalists, women, and civil society members. The Participants has been provided with the General questionnaire in order to identify the priority issues of the family valiance in their areas and how those can be tackled and what issues need to be brought in the media in order to educated people.