Access to Justice & Justice

Accss to Formal & Informal Justice

Access to justice is a basic principle of the rule of law. In the absence of access to justice, people are unable to have their voices heard, exercise their rights, challenge discrimination, or hold decision-makers accountable.

HRWMO believe that advocacy and awareness-raising have always been important strategy when legal and formal justice sectors were functional and even if such sectors are no more functional as they now, still awareness is more important than ever and especially in a situation like this as all legal and justice institutions have been fully abolished. Currently, HRWMO focuses on traditional justice for women and girls who are subject to gender-based violence and face violence threats and promotes survivor-centered approaches, supportive of survivors of violence – as mediation and informal mechanisms tend to not favor women and women who have experienced violence and to reinforce negative practices and behaviors towards survivors of violence by sensitizing community leaders, youth and religious scholars to reach survivor cases in the light of Islamic values.