Women Economic Empowerment

  • 15
  • Sep

Embroidery/Goldozi Training for Nuristan Women 2013

WHMO implemented the Embroidery training skills project with the financial support of Development Alternative, Inc (DAI) by technical cooperation of RAM UP east Organization for women in NURISTAN province in close partnership with Department of Municipality and Women Affairs.

  • 15
  • Sep

Tailoring and Dress Designing Training 2013

WHMO trained women in Nursitan province on Tailoring and Dress Designing training. The participants also trained in regarding marketing, communication, Awareness Raising, self-confident, their responsibility against their municipality and gender-sensitive information.

  • 28
  • Feb

Goldozi Training Program in Nangarhar Province 2014

WHMO in cooperation with Nangarhar Handicrafts Producers Association (NHPA) has triggered Khamak Dozi/Goldozi Training for women. The purpose of this program is to train women on professional skills to produce high-quality items for NHPA. The NHPA marketize the item in Afghanistan and outside the country.