About us

Read About Organization

Human Rights Watch and Media Organization (HRWMO), which was previously known as Women Human Rights and Media Organization (WHMO) is created in 2010 as a non for profit and independent organization.

HRWMO’s work has three major components: (1) Awareness Raising, (2) Victim Support Strategy, and (3) Capacity Building. We sensitize and capacitate the public, policy influencers, civil society institutions, and communities to respond, raise awareness, and support audiences’ actions to influence policymakers regarding socio-political, economic, gender equality, and democratic structures.

HRWMO Manadate:

HRWMO’s mandate is to protect and promote human rights, support gender equality, protection services, women’s empowerment, Child Protection, and Afghan Media Support through community participation, and media platforms, including rural communities, work at local levels or grassroots to create positive social change and to help those communities come together, participate and come up with meaningful solutions to their problems. HRWMO contributes SDGs – in particular Gola 3 on Good Health and Well-being, Goal 5 on Gender Equality, Goal 10 on Reduced Inequality, and Goal 16 on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.