Media & Communication Training

  • 25
  • Sep

Press Conference on Media & Communication skills of MPs 2013

A launch conference for female MPs was hosted, the Khaberi Kawen is a project implemented in partnership with Gender Concerns International (GCI) and financially supported by the Embassy in Kabul. It aims to enhance the media, communication and network skills of female MPs through several activities falling into three different thematic categories.

  • 11
  • Nov

Radio Communication Training for Female MPs 2013

First three-day training workshop organized on discussing how different media platforms, communications, and interview techniques could improve the visibility of female MP’s in Afghanistan. The female MP’s were, for example, provided with information on how they could improve their radio communication skills. Fifteen MP’s from different commissions attended this workshop. From GCI Shukria Hussani and from US Embassy Caroline K. Ferrari and Dawn M. Dowling participated in the training workshop.

  • 11
  • Dec

Public Appearance Training for Female MPs 2013

The Three-day capacity building training workshop hosted on Public Appearance. Female MP’s were presented with information on press releases, press conferences, and the art of speech. On 11 December 2013, a delegation from Gender Concerns International attended the second workshop.

  • 11
  • Jan

Online Communication Training workshop for Female MPs 2014

The final 3-day training workshop for female MPs was conducted on online communication training. Female MP’s were presented with information on social media, leadership autobiography and press release. Eighteen female MP’s from different commissions attended this workshop.

  • 11
  • Jul

Female MPs given on-air radio time 2013

Establish a radio program in order to create a sustainable platform for female MPs to communicate with the public.

  • 09
  • Jun

Handing Out Certification Ceremony to Female MPs 2014

WHMO together with female MPs, and Gender Concerns International conducted the project’s final event. Shukria
Hassani, Liaison Officer for the Khaberi Kawen project represented Gender Concerns International during this ceremony. The female MPs showed gratitude towards WHMO and GCI for their efforts in organizing programs for female MPs. They expressed their desire to continue its fruitful programs in the near future. Towards the end of this event, WHMO and GCI handed certificates to all female participating MPs.